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Drug Testing London

Create: 01/29/2019
Expired Date:never
Category: Business Service
Message:Address: The Old Chapel 53 Peel Street Manchester Greater Manchester M30 0NG UK • Phone: 0800 988 7107 • Website: • Email: • We manage 14 Drug Testing Clinics and mobile collection services throughout the Greater London area. Each provides a wide variety of drug and alcohol testing services, whilst chosen clinics give counselling and therapy services. The most popular drug testing solutions in London involve: Urine Drug Testing - both point of care (POC) and laboratory testing, Oral fluid Drug Testing, Hair Drug Tests and a mix of alcohol testing that includes either breath, saliva or blood samplings. Furthermore, every single drug test can be used for a variety of reasons, these include: Private Drug and Alcohol Testing for individuals seeking to prove abstinence; Workplace drug testing, consisting of random, pre-employment and 'For Cause' - both on site at your business premises, or off-site at a clinic location. All Laboratory drug testing is legally defensible, and can be used for court purposes.
City:Manchester, Greater Manchester[GB] 
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