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Waste Heat Recovery Boiler For Billet Reheating Furnace

Create: 09/29/2016
Expired Date:09/29/2018
Category: Home&Garden Supplies
Message:Waste Heat Recovery Boiler for Billet Reheating FurnaceNecessityThe steel rolling process consumes a tremendous amount energy, for which the average thermal efficiency is only 20% ~ 30%. Around 70% ~ 80% of the entire energy input required for such process has traditionally been lost in the environment, and at least 30% of this lost energy is carried by flue gas. Especially for steel rolling mills without a regenerative combustion system, it is important to recover the waste heat from the flue gas coming out of the billet reheating furnace. Design Ingenuity Due to the wild fluctuation of gas quantity and temperature, the reheating furnace is required to have absolute control over the furnace pressure. Our waste heat recovery system for this application adopts sealed header structure, in which surface area employs a unique multi-free-end-surface design allowing it to stretch flexibly within a safe interval as the heat expansion frequently takes its place. Due to our rich R & D experience in waste heat recovery technologies, the gas velocity is optimized for the full control of gas-side resistance force. The average investment recovery period is around 4 years.  Key Parameters 1 T of billets = 50 KG ~ 60 KG of steam output Working pressure: 0.8 MPA ~ 2.0 MPASteam temp: 320 ℃ (saturated temp)PROJECT WASTE HEAT RECOVERY IN BILLET REHEATING FOR:BAOSTEEL GROUP - STAINLESS STEEL DIVISIONRated steam output: 3.6 T / H @ 1.8 MPA Rated steam temp: 300 Deg Celsius url:
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