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Hydraulic Direct-Acting Relief Valve Equivalent to VIS RVC0.M22

Create: 01/07/2025
Expired Date:never
Category: Hydraulic presses [Equipment&Machinery]
Message:The Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Direct-Acting Relief Valve, equivalent to VIS RVC0.M22, is favored by customers in Europe Today, we’d like to introduce a hydraulic screw-in cartridge direct-acting relief valve, equivalent to Italy VIS Hydraulics RVC0.M22. This is a same type of valve as the RVC0.S08 that we introduced last Monday, but just a bigger size and flow rate. Due to its compact size, stable performance, and competitive price, it is favored by many foreign customers, especially the customers in Europe. AAK hydraulic screw-in cartridge Direct-Acting Relief Valve 2 advantages: 1. The quality of this valve is benchmarking VIS Hydraulics, but price is much cheaper. 2. The service life is 2 times that of domestic hydraulic cartridge valve manufacturers in China Technical parameters of AAK E-RVC0.M22 Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Direct-Acting Relief Valve: Operating Pressure: 350 bar (5000 psi) Max. Flow: 50 lpm (12.5 gpm) Internal Leakage: 0.25 cc/min (5 drops/min) max. to 80% of nominal setting Temperature: - 30°C ~ +110°C Fluids: Mineral-based or synthetics with lubricating properties at viscosities of 7.4 to 420 cSt (50 to 2000 sus) Cavity: VH045 AAK E-RVC0.M22 hydraulic screw-in cartridge direct acting relief valve, benchmarking Italy VIS Hydraulics RVC0.M22, you are welcome to try it out. AAK HYDRAULIC VALVES (832) 2025-01-06
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