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Precision current transformer magnetic cores

Create: 04/19/2016
Expired Date:12/31/2016
Category: Components [Electronic]
Message:The Bs of Nanocrystalline alloy is between Silicon steel and permalloy. The lower the Bs value, the more beneficial to reduce instrument security factor. When the system fails and generates a large current through the current transformer,a cores more easily saturated, the secondary current does not increase proportionally, therefore protecting the instruments. The permeability of nanocrystalline alloy is near to permalloy but higher than silicon steel,so it’s suitable for producing high-precision transformer magnetic cores. Because of the density and lamination factor of nanocrystalline alloy are lower than permalloy. With the same size and similar performance of these two cores, nanocrystalline cores is lighter 1/4 or more than permalloy and a lower manufacturing cost can be about 1/3. Furthermore, nanocrystalline alloy has a wider linear range than permalloy. We can make customized dimension and specification.
City:Tongxiang, Zhejiang[CN] 
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