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Griseofulvin Tablets

Create: 05/17/2016
Expired Date:never
Category: Griseofulvin [Health&Medical&Pharmaceutical]
Message:Indications: Griseofulvin is primarily indicated in conditions like Dermatophytic infections, Fungal infection, Parkinson’s disease. This drug is contraindicated in patients with porphyria, hepatocellular failure, and in individuals with a history of hypersensitivity to griseofulvin. Adverse reactions of griseofulvin are uncommon. Nausea, diarrhea, headache, skin eruptions and photosensitivity are occasionally observed. Hepatotoxicity and neurological side effects may rarely occur. Drug Interactions: Griseofulvin can interact with blood thinners and birth control pills. Precautions & Warning: Caution should be exercised in patients with history of liver disease, porphyria, lupus, or history of alcohol abuse, any allergy, who are taking other medications, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Avoid exposure to sunlight. Use in Pregnancy and Nursing Mothers: Griseofulvin is assigned to pregnancy category C. Animal studies have revealed evidence of embryotoxicity and teratogenicity. There are no controlled data in human pregnancies; however, there are reports of congenital anomalies, including cases of conjoined twins in two women, as well as increased risk of spontaneous abortion. The manufacturer considers griseofulvin use to be contraindicated during pregnancy. There are no data on the excretion of griseofulvin into human milk. Treatment/antidote in The Event of Overdose: Treatment is symptomatic and supportive. There is no specific antidote for treatment of griseofulvin intoxication. Storage instructions: Store below 25℃. Protect from moisture. Keep out of reach of children.
City:Hefei Anhui[CN] 
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